It has been a long road from the Winter Solstice to this very day. I've often thought of sharing the dark spaces. Listing the endless ways of reformation and transformation that have taken place in my life. I've often thought how will I ever come back and start again after so much time has slipped away. Of course the drama I create is self imposed and can be changed with the blink of an eye. This truth is part of my awakening.
The shift of a lifetime has happened over the last 6 months not only to myself but the world and universe that surrounds. We have undergone some huge changes and not all are high on the list of great accomplishments. As part of humanity continues to destroy in limitless ways a large growing community starts to rebuild and ground a new intention for tomorrow. This community has started the process of opening their hearts to healing and accepting a responsibility as leaders of change. Growing in a direction that will benefit the greater good of all. This movement is a Heart centered approach connected to the Love of the Divine Spirit and the Mother Earth which guide us in our direction as we flow with the shifting tides. Change is now.
The death and rebirth of my Divine Self has been a beautiful, sometimes painful, blooming experience in self-care. I have faced the demons of yesterdays. I have stood before the greatness that is the Divine Love and accepted the healing that was offered when it was needed most. I have sat and cried tears that never seemed to end. I held my children and allowed their pureness to flow inside my being. Showing me the true nature of purity and innocence. I have reached out to friends and let myself be a burden so I could understand what it means to be taken care of instead of always being the caretaker. I have danced. I have chanted. I have whispered my dreams and secrets of my heart to the stars as I slept in a deep vast emptiness of my personal temple. I have watched as my old self slipped away piece by piece and oozed out of my feet into the earth to be laid to rest and resurrected into another source of life. I have followed my inner voice through this whole process and with the support and love of those around me I am better for it all.
I am a Divine Being. I am Priestess of this new coming. I am a Leader. I am a Source of Divine Love.
I am here to Help and Guide. I believe in all I write. I believe this change is possible for all of us. It doesn't require anything but faith and a willingness to open your heart and live through all that needs to be done to reach the other side- your true Divinity.
My path is one of Service. It cannot be any other way. If you need me I am here to help you.
I will write more of my shifting and shaping as this new Divine Self continues to blossom and shine. I am honored to be here Now. Awakened and Alive.
You are Beautiful.