
Into the Deep

Enter the Scorpio- a time of endings and new beginnings. Death and Rebirth. A connection to the shadow side of self. This is the place of secrets, unknown or hidden fears, all that lies deep within your soul. This is where your skeletons hide and where you have a chance to face them and open to the power contained within the acknowledgement of their presence.

The Suns entry into the astrological sign of Scorpio is personal and deep and runs like a river through me. This passage for me means healing and awakening on so many levels. Facing the strength of my shadow side with an open heart and a willingness to learn to leash this potential for hidden talents is a cathartic process of self renewal and forgiveness. This path is marked with the typical road signs- fear, pain, and coming face to face with the inner demons you may not like to admit live within you. Your freedom is found in deeply pushing forward. Facing them, baring witness to their lack or defect and then allowing any healing to take place. You can then view them in a non-judgemental way. Looking at these parts of yourself as if viewing then in a movie- something you can associate with but be detached from- helps to identify their worth. The tangible nugget of gold is your gift you receive once you've walked the dark valley. The hard part and most useful stage in this death-rebirth process is going through the emotion. Standing in front of the big screen mirror and coming to terms with the fact that these shadow part of you are pieces that make up YOU. They make up a part of the whole. These shadows may under go healing, be disseminating into the universe, or they may be so hidden within that they are virtually unknown. They are still your Karma, your Evil, your Fear, your Pain. They are what make you human. You are alive with breath and life force flowing through you. Enter into the shadow self in prayer and ask for guidance when you feel you've gone too deep and need a helping hand to face the darkness.

The Divine Loving Source is a part of all living things. The Love of all Parts and the Parts of all Love. Inside your shadow self contains the pearls of this Love and the wisdom to understand its strength to assist on your journey.

Dive Deep!
