
Into the Deep

Enter the Scorpio- a time of endings and new beginnings. Death and Rebirth. A connection to the shadow side of self. This is the place of secrets, unknown or hidden fears, all that lies deep within your soul. This is where your skeletons hide and where you have a chance to face them and open to the power contained within the acknowledgement of their presence.

The Suns entry into the astrological sign of Scorpio is personal and deep and runs like a river through me. This passage for me means healing and awakening on so many levels. Facing the strength of my shadow side with an open heart and a willingness to learn to leash this potential for hidden talents is a cathartic process of self renewal and forgiveness. This path is marked with the typical road signs- fear, pain, and coming face to face with the inner demons you may not like to admit live within you. Your freedom is found in deeply pushing forward. Facing them, baring witness to their lack or defect and then allowing any healing to take place. You can then view them in a non-judgemental way. Looking at these parts of yourself as if viewing then in a movie- something you can associate with but be detached from- helps to identify their worth. The tangible nugget of gold is your gift you receive once you've walked the dark valley. The hard part and most useful stage in this death-rebirth process is going through the emotion. Standing in front of the big screen mirror and coming to terms with the fact that these shadow part of you are pieces that make up YOU. They make up a part of the whole. These shadows may under go healing, be disseminating into the universe, or they may be so hidden within that they are virtually unknown. They are still your Karma, your Evil, your Fear, your Pain. They are what make you human. You are alive with breath and life force flowing through you. Enter into the shadow self in prayer and ask for guidance when you feel you've gone too deep and need a helping hand to face the darkness.

The Divine Loving Source is a part of all living things. The Love of all Parts and the Parts of all Love. Inside your shadow self contains the pearls of this Love and the wisdom to understand its strength to assist on your journey.

Dive Deep!




It has been a long road from the Winter Solstice to this very day. I've often thought of sharing the dark spaces. Listing the endless ways of reformation and transformation that have taken place in my life. I've often thought how will I ever come back and start again after so much time has slipped away. Of course the drama I create is self imposed and can be changed with the blink of an eye. This truth is part of my awakening.

The shift of a lifetime has happened over the last 6 months not only to myself but the world and universe that surrounds. We have undergone some huge changes and not all are high on the list of great accomplishments. As part of humanity continues to destroy in limitless ways a large growing community starts to rebuild and ground a new intention for tomorrow. This community has started the process of opening their hearts to healing and accepting a responsibility as leaders of change. Growing in a direction that will benefit the greater good of all. This movement is a Heart centered approach connected to the Love of the Divine Spirit and the Mother Earth which guide us in our direction as we flow with the shifting tides. Change is now.

The death and rebirth of my Divine Self has been a beautiful, sometimes painful, blooming experience in self-care. I have faced the demons of yesterdays. I have stood before the greatness that is the Divine Love and accepted the healing that was offered when it was needed most. I have sat and cried tears that never seemed to end. I held my children and allowed their pureness to flow inside my being. Showing me the true nature of purity and innocence. I have reached out to friends and let myself be a burden so I could understand what it means to be taken care of instead of always being the caretaker. I have danced. I have chanted. I have whispered my dreams and secrets of my heart to the stars as I slept in a deep vast emptiness of my personal temple. I have watched as my old self slipped away piece by piece and oozed out of my feet into the earth to be laid to rest and resurrected into another source of life. I have followed my inner voice through this whole process and with the support and love of those around me I am better for it all.

I am a Divine Being. I am Priestess of this new coming. I am a Leader. I am a Source of Divine Love.

I am here to Help and Guide. I believe in all I write. I believe this change is possible for all of us. It doesn't require anything but faith and a willingness to open your heart and live through all that needs to be done to reach the other side- your true Divinity.

My path is one of Service. It cannot be any other way. If you need me I am here to help you.

I will write more of my shifting and shaping as this new Divine Self continues to blossom and shine. I am honored to be here Now. Awakened and Alive.

You are Beautiful.



Celebration of Light

It is with pleasure that I Wish You a Very Blessed Winter Solstice.

The shortest day of the year marks a change of the calendar year and a sign that the light will start to return. Slowly it grows a little lighter each day. In honor of this wonderful day I celebrate in prayer, say blessings of abundance and give thanks for the warm home and food I am so gratefully enjoying. I ate foods full of root vegetables and enjoyed a cup of tea to keep my spirits and body warm. Most important I honored this day by staying present and quietly going within to listen and feel.

This season is full of celebration, holidays, and lots of hustle and bustle. Truly what is needed is time daily to reserve, rest, and go within. Our shorter days are a great time to honor the personal time needed to get in touch with self. Quiet yourself and listen to your heart beat, the in and out of your breath. Listen long enough and you can here your inner voice speak. For some this voice is rarely heard over the never ending conversation, television, music, and thoughts of daily activities. Take time through out the longer winter nights and find yourself. Honor your spirit by learning things you may never have known about yourself- strengths, weakness, feelings that get shoved down when life gets too busy. This is a great time to heal and work on issues that get put on the back burner when the summer sun comes calling. Its also a time of year when lots of emotional issues are rising. Take the time to hear their call and find the source of the troubles. Heal, release, and grow.

Trees go within to preserve their life. Animals hibernate to do the same thing. Perhaps we can learn from our worldly friends and take steps to honor ourselves and grow with the ever increasing sunlight- slowly coming out of our shells as the season progresses into the new year.

Sending Blessings of Love & Light,


Love Writings

Have you ever given thought to how much you love your life?

How blessed you are to breathe?

How wonderful the sun feels on your skin when you walk outside in the fresh air?

I could list the wonderful things about life for days and it would still have no end. Feeling Gratitude for my life is what helps me stay centered in the Beauty and Grace that fills me. Gratitude is a simple way to honor the gifts that are brought into your life. Being humble and giving thanks brings perspective to how simple life can be or better yet how simply wonderful the little things in life are with each breath.

My health is one of the many things I show gratitude for daily. Nothing can go forward in my day if I'm ill as well as it can if my health is in perfect balance. This is my truth and I honor it more with each breath. Remaining centered, focused, and balanced in the flow moves Divinely when my physical body is healthy and well. Giving thanks for my health allows me to honor the Divine for the gift but also my body for all the functions it preforms every second without so much as a conscious thought on my part. Think of all that your body does for you each moment and think how much more it could do if you gave it better food, more water, and of course exercise and stretching. Starting with Gratitude helps move onto making healthy changes for the body.

My personal time with God in prayer and meditation is another important function I find myself not being able to live without and for this I also give thanks. Slowing down and sitting in quiet time with myself and God brings a greater perspective to how full and beautiful my life is at all moments. Having this time to honor, pray, and give thanks helps me focus on what really is needed. Allows me to solve issues that need my heart and minds attention. At the end of the day it allows for release and assists with that which needs to be handed over to the Divine for healing and treatment.

Creating a gratitude list, writing in a journal, taking time for prayer and meditation are all ways to start your love writings to God and to your Divine Self. It centers, it creates, it brings into the physical world things that you once took for granted. I find that by moving into Gratitude at least twice a day brings more of what I give thanks for into my life. It is as if I am weaving my web for the day and I start it by filling it with Grace for all I have been given and right before I lay my head down to sleep I complete my web for they day with one more silent gratitude list just to remind me how blessed I am wrapped up and surrounded in the Love and Light of God. The in-between time is mine to weave and create-the end points the guides for a brighter day and a more God-centered life.

Make a choice to start your lists and see what your heart and soul show you. You might be surprised at the things that come to mind that you are grateful for. You also might help create a peaceful time just for yourself. You might create a time for spiritual connection that you never considered. There is no better time of day to start this practice than right now. Hear the calling of your soul to move into a place of gratitude and do it with the Grace that is blessed upon you with ever breath. Smile, your light shines and this is one loving gift you give to the world that only requires a thought of happiness.

My person truth:
My path of service begins each day with Gratitude and my Breath. Each day ends the same.
Leah McCullough



Creative Force

Creativity can work in ways in your life that will help shift your mood, fix a problem that is long overdue, or just be an outlet for fun and play. Creativity is now more than ever an important tool to use in daily living. Everyone is creative- at times it may seem more task than natural gift but it does reside within you. Taping in to your creativity brings you in alignment with your Divine Self. It helps open the natural flow and free the left brain from adding too much thought into the task at hand. Freeing yourself to be creative can help manage stress and show you a peaceful place to rest. Creativity can also be about release- letting go in ways that haven't always been useful outlets in the past. Sometimes being creative in how you solve issues that continue to surface will allow you to see your problem differently and focus on a solution you may not have seen before.

Working with your Divine Self and allowing the creativity to flow helps to center. It helps to teach you to hear the inner voice and trust your Divine Self. Beauty, love, cherished solitude- all of these gifts come with setting aside time to act creatively through art, exercise, or meditation. The possibilities are endless when you utilize your creative side and set your soul free!

Touch your heart with a warmth of fancy free thinking and see what you can create.

With Much Love & Light,


The Gift

I want so much for each person to understand their true potential. To know that all is already given to those that are open to receive. I want people to know that inside their very being lives a seed of love that was gifted to them prior to their first breath. All they have to do is acknowledge this gift and the seed will grow and assist in the transformation of their lives.

I want you to know that you can reach the stars. You can create heaven on earth. Once the transformation starts all you have to do it continue to have faith. Continue to believe in yourself and the Divine Love that gives you life.

Once you achieve pulling back the old layers of loss, hatred, denial, self-serving behavior, and fear your path becomes brighter. Your days are filled with joy and happiness. You find that even when it seems the whole world would bring you down you still smile and move forward. This seed has grown into your soul and now it lifts you, fills you, and wraps you in a beauty of love that can only be felt with the tenderness of your heart.

You will see the way things were never served your purpose. You will see that while you may have been doing your best it wasn't what was truly intended for you. Now that you are on the path originally designed for you doors open, the sun shines, and birds sing. You find the strength to go on when you are faced with another mountain to climb because you can and because you know some of the best views in life are found standing at the top of the mountain.

I want to heal, I want to shine. I want to share my light. I am ready to teach and lead and help those that are ready to take their step forward.

What do you want? What does your soul wish for? Are they the same thing?

Awakening your spirit so you can tap into the Divine Source is a change of a lifetime.
Take the leap. You will only lose that which no longer serves you anyway.

Growth is beautiful. Rest when your tired, take a deep breath when it seems to be too much, and feed yourself with the love that you were gifted.



My seed has grown

I dreamt of a tree.
It was small and young.
My hands were pushing it's roots into the earth and praying for its safety and well-being. I was preforming Reiki on it as I held it's small trunk in my hands. I heard it smile and send loving thoughts to me as it absorbed the new soil it was now living in.
I recognized this tree as the newly planted loving vibrations that now resonate with my core being.
The tree lives inside me.
I can see my chakra column aligning with the trunk. My chakras glimering under its light brown bark.
I water it, feed it life and give it love when I take care of my physical and spiritual well-being. When I give it Reiki it expands and grows.
Its roots start at my feet and grow down into my earth star.
Its top branches reach my crown and then a light radiates at the top almost like a sun that never sets.
It has grown since I first saw it over a week ago.
It also has grown leaves. Green and in the shape of maple leaves.
I am excited to learn more from this tree and to watch it grow as it touches me.

Love & Light,