Have you ever given thought to how much you love your life?
How blessed you are to breathe?
How wonderful the sun feels on your skin when you walk outside in the fresh air?
I could list the wonderful things about life for days and it would still have no end. Feeling Gratitude for my life is what helps me stay centered in the Beauty and Grace that fills me. Gratitude is a simple way to honor the gifts that are brought into your life. Being humble and giving thanks brings perspective to how simple life can be or better yet how simply wonderful the little things in life are with each breath.
My health is one of the many things I show gratitude for daily. Nothing can go forward in my day if I'm ill as well as it can if my health is in perfect balance. This is my truth and I honor it more with each breath. Remaining centered, focused, and balanced in the flow moves Divinely when my physical body is healthy and well. Giving thanks for my health allows me to honor the Divine for the gift but also my body for all the functions it preforms every second without so much as a conscious thought on my part. Think of all that your body does for you each moment and think how much more it could do if you gave it better food, more water, and of course exercise and stretching. Starting with Gratitude helps move onto making healthy changes for the body.
My personal time with God in prayer and meditation is another important function I find myself not being able to live without and for this I also give thanks. Slowing down and sitting in quiet time with myself and God brings a greater perspective to how full and beautiful my life is at all moments. Having this time to honor, pray, and give thanks helps me focus on what really is needed. Allows me to solve issues that need my heart and minds attention. At the end of the day it allows for release and assists with that which needs to be handed over to the Divine for healing and treatment.
Creating a gratitude list, writing in a journal, taking time for prayer and meditation are all ways to start your love writings to God and to your Divine Self. It centers, it creates, it brings into the physical world things that you once took for granted. I find that by moving into Gratitude at least twice a day brings more of what I give thanks for into my life. It is as if I am weaving my web for the day and I start it by filling it with Grace for all I have been given and right before I lay my head down to sleep I complete my web for they day with one more silent gratitude list just to remind me how blessed I am wrapped up and surrounded in the Love and Light of God. The in-between time is mine to weave and create-the end points the guides for a brighter day and a more God-centered life.
Make a choice to start your lists and see what your heart and soul show you. You might be surprised at the things that come to mind that you are grateful for. You also might help create a peaceful time just for yourself. You might create a time for spiritual connection that you never considered. There is no better time of day to start this practice than right now. Hear the calling of your soul to move into a place of gratitude and do it with the Grace that is blessed upon you with ever breath. Smile, your light shines and this is one loving gift you give to the world that only requires a thought of happiness.
My person truth:
My path of service begins each day with Gratitude and my Breath. Each day ends the same.
Leah McCullough
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