Because I love you
I give my life to service
Because I love you
I dedicate my world to your breath
Your joy
Your happiness
Your centering and growth
Because I love you
I work daily to release all selfishness
Replacing myself with a soul-centered life
Filled with Divine knowledge and healing
Because I love you
I wake with the moon, the sun, or between
Touching the depths of my darkness to release the light
Breathing in the essence of God
Working endlessly to create a better earth space
Because I love you
I will share my joy, my souls light
I will teach you the ways of the Masters, the Angels
I will guide you to your own souls awakening- when you are ready
Today I will hold you in my arms and show you pure love
Because God showed me first and I felt her love
Today and always I will serve
Because I am loved
This is dedicated to my to little girls, the little girl that lives inside me, and to all of the souls of this world and beyond.
Love & Light,
Growing in Healing
Reiki was a passion of mine before the gift of my daughters. I had been guided/drawn to it while I was still living a life of illness and addiction. Once I made my life change I knew it was time to follow the guidance and try the healing on myself. I was in the middle of a lot of life turmoil and needed healing on so many levels. The moment I put out my need for the right practitioner one was shown into my life. After that first healing I was hooked. There really is no way to describe how wonderful this healing love is to a restless pain-filled soul. It was transforming and it had only just started. I received two more session before my first spiritual gathering- then one more prior to taking my Reiki I & II attunements so I could become a healer as well. I thought the healing sessions themselves were transforming but I had no idea how powerful and self-fulfilling the attunements would be for me. They opened up my soul to a new awareness of God Love. They activated a code locked inside my center to be awakened for the remainder of this human lifetime. I was now a healer. This was something I had wanted for so long and I was now able to do this on myself and others. I continued to receive healing sessions which only magnified my internal healings. I was able to rid myself of a very painful condition which has not come back since that time. I was also able to start healing wounds so old and deep they blistered inside as they were released and cleansed. Most of all, I was awakening the Divine self within.
I was given the gift of receiving my final Master attunement from a Diving Loving soul next to a running stream in the middle of the New Mexico desert on grounds that I personally consider sacred. As the full moon lunar eclipse prepared for its debut I received the gift of contact with the Ascended Masters and Angels smiling down on me as I sat receiving the God Love that is Reiki. This experience was so beautifully Spiritual and Life changing. I will cherish this moment as it was the shift of release from an old life into a new one.
I utilized Reiki while pregnant and on occasions after the babies were born but I truly let the daily process of opening and receiving the gift be put aside for feedings and much needed sleep. I always felt it swirling inside and knew that the time would come when my passion would have time to move into my life again. While in meditation I was drawn to an energy inside myself that sparked a flood of ideas and information for the future. I was to use Reiki in my daily life again not just for myself but to start healing others, and also to teach. I have decided to return yet again to class to learn the practice of attunement and to share it with those that need it. We are all born healers in our own way. I will assist in passing this God Love to those that need it, request it, or find it to be their path also. I have now returned to my daily healing of self and I am growing more aware of how strong this healing love is in these new days. Much more potent than just two years ago. I also notice that is helps clear the aura and lower vibrational energies more effectively. I am honored that I have this experience of see how the shift of our world is changing all things-living or otherwise. In my growing and healing I am more of myself than I have ever been. What a wonderful gift to give myself and a wonderful way to honor the Divine Mother/Father God.
Be the change you want to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi
I was given the gift of receiving my final Master attunement from a Diving Loving soul next to a running stream in the middle of the New Mexico desert on grounds that I personally consider sacred. As the full moon lunar eclipse prepared for its debut I received the gift of contact with the Ascended Masters and Angels smiling down on me as I sat receiving the God Love that is Reiki. This experience was so beautifully Spiritual and Life changing. I will cherish this moment as it was the shift of release from an old life into a new one.
I utilized Reiki while pregnant and on occasions after the babies were born but I truly let the daily process of opening and receiving the gift be put aside for feedings and much needed sleep. I always felt it swirling inside and knew that the time would come when my passion would have time to move into my life again. While in meditation I was drawn to an energy inside myself that sparked a flood of ideas and information for the future. I was to use Reiki in my daily life again not just for myself but to start healing others, and also to teach. I have decided to return yet again to class to learn the practice of attunement and to share it with those that need it. We are all born healers in our own way. I will assist in passing this God Love to those that need it, request it, or find it to be their path also. I have now returned to my daily healing of self and I am growing more aware of how strong this healing love is in these new days. Much more potent than just two years ago. I also notice that is helps clear the aura and lower vibrational energies more effectively. I am honored that I have this experience of see how the shift of our world is changing all things-living or otherwise. In my growing and healing I am more of myself than I have ever been. What a wonderful gift to give myself and a wonderful way to honor the Divine Mother/Father God.
Be the change you want to see in the world. -Mahatma Gandhi
I AM that I AM
I first heard 'I am that I am' said at a spiritual retreat I was on a few years ago. It was the first spiritual gathering I had ever attended and I was in my element but also very overwhelmed. I realized how closed up I had kept myself for so many years. The meaning of this statement went right over my head. I researched it later and realized its magnitude. I didn't however get 'it'. I didn't understand that I was God as much as God was me.
This last week and a half has been huge for me- another major transformation. Maybe it is better put that I have fought my way out of my cocoon. As I have sat on the tree of life letting the sun dry my wings I have become profoundly aware of my God-Self. Staying centered in my own body and soul the Grace of God fills me- completes me- with ever breath. I have found a center that is unlike any center of peace I have experienced. I can now see it clearly when I move away from it. I drench myself in Love the moment I wake and bathe in it at any moment by simply breathing in and becoming conscious of the Grace that fills my life- my being. This process is new and so I have to be aware of it at times moment by moment. I do not ever want to leave it- ever again. To be in the Grace of God is not a gift that was given to me. It has been my birth right from the moment I entered this body. I was only required to accept this truth and take it into my being. Pause for a moment and realize what I have just said because this truth is also your truth. If I could give one ounce of this Grace to each of you for just one moment you would want to bathe yourself in it daily also. This shift of thinking however is a path that is walked alone. Self-Love has been the key to my awakening. My breaking free to become the beautiful multi-colored butterfly that I am. This last month of building up my Self-Love has been a struggle, a hardship, a magnificent process of healing. I could not have asked for a more profound outcome.
I view myself now with a renewed sense of how truly powerful the Love of God is and how truly powerful I am by just changing my thoughts and focusing my intent. I have moved mountains of pain and heartache. I have removed toxins, cleared myself of lower vibrating energies, and continue to remove all fear based cords, memories, and programing. This process was done through my soul and with the assistance of mantra, affirmations, and prayer. I also received assistance from higher vibrational beings that I requested help from who lovingly received my prayers and assisted where they were needed. I trusted the process. I moved with the flow and always believed the outcome would far out weight the short term pain or discomfort. I owed myself this because I am a child of God. To honor my wonderful being I have to provide a solid foundation from which to grow from. My path of service is one of a lifetime. I now know that while I walk this path alone physically I will never have to be alone spiritually.
I look around on this tree of life that I am perched on. The sun is shining down warming my wings. The air is warm and full of wonderful smells and full of life. A life energy so tangible I can feel it embrace me in my new form. Sultry and smooth it caresses my skin urging me to take flight. I see myself and notice the crystal like color of my soul radiating off my body. I am ready.
I am that I am.
Love & Light,
This last week and a half has been huge for me- another major transformation. Maybe it is better put that I have fought my way out of my cocoon. As I have sat on the tree of life letting the sun dry my wings I have become profoundly aware of my God-Self. Staying centered in my own body and soul the Grace of God fills me- completes me- with ever breath. I have found a center that is unlike any center of peace I have experienced. I can now see it clearly when I move away from it. I drench myself in Love the moment I wake and bathe in it at any moment by simply breathing in and becoming conscious of the Grace that fills my life- my being. This process is new and so I have to be aware of it at times moment by moment. I do not ever want to leave it- ever again. To be in the Grace of God is not a gift that was given to me. It has been my birth right from the moment I entered this body. I was only required to accept this truth and take it into my being. Pause for a moment and realize what I have just said because this truth is also your truth. If I could give one ounce of this Grace to each of you for just one moment you would want to bathe yourself in it daily also. This shift of thinking however is a path that is walked alone. Self-Love has been the key to my awakening. My breaking free to become the beautiful multi-colored butterfly that I am. This last month of building up my Self-Love has been a struggle, a hardship, a magnificent process of healing. I could not have asked for a more profound outcome.
I view myself now with a renewed sense of how truly powerful the Love of God is and how truly powerful I am by just changing my thoughts and focusing my intent. I have moved mountains of pain and heartache. I have removed toxins, cleared myself of lower vibrating energies, and continue to remove all fear based cords, memories, and programing. This process was done through my soul and with the assistance of mantra, affirmations, and prayer. I also received assistance from higher vibrational beings that I requested help from who lovingly received my prayers and assisted where they were needed. I trusted the process. I moved with the flow and always believed the outcome would far out weight the short term pain or discomfort. I owed myself this because I am a child of God. To honor my wonderful being I have to provide a solid foundation from which to grow from. My path of service is one of a lifetime. I now know that while I walk this path alone physically I will never have to be alone spiritually.
I look around on this tree of life that I am perched on. The sun is shining down warming my wings. The air is warm and full of wonderful smells and full of life. A life energy so tangible I can feel it embrace me in my new form. Sultry and smooth it caresses my skin urging me to take flight. I see myself and notice the crystal like color of my soul radiating off my body. I am ready.
I am that I am.
Love & Light,
The Gift of NOW
My spiritual process in life has had lots of highs and lows. I dive in and dig deep. Feeling all the energy fill me, transform me, break me up and tear me out then put me back together again. I spin, weave, and create. Then, I fall- I loose my grip on my process. A major life trauma or change occurs and I'm off to focus, ground, and deal with the issue all the while getting myself lost along the way. All the healing and transformation isn't lost- I just get lost. At age 29 I refused to let anything get in my way. By the end of my 30th year I was faced with another huge life change. The pregnancy of my twin girls.
The year prior to this news I had attended spiritual retreats. Enjoyed a spiritual journey of traveling alone for 10 days. I met my husband. I quit a job that had for a very long time no longer served me. I sold my home. I was off to have another adventure in life when I was struck with the reality of new life coming through me. As I meditated what this would mean I had to take a deep long look at myself, my process of spiritual growth and the understanding that I would now share my life with two little souls for a very long time. This shift was far from easy for me. I sought counsel from other spiritual like minded people who all thought this blessing was a wonderful new chapter. Finally after a month of crying, begging for understanding Kuan Yin came to me and gave me wisdom. These souls choose me and hubby because of the life I could offer. The Masters choose me because I would understand and honor what was required of raising such enlighten souls. She kissed me, bathed me in her love and stayed with me and my babies the remainder of my pregnancy. After that experience all of life's gifts were centered on only the babies. I could not focus on any spiritual reading except that which was written for women and most importantly newly expecting mothers (two whole books). My inner guidance was on high alert and if my ego tried to get in the way it was quick to remind me of my path. I was to dedicate my life from the point of knowing of my girls to their first birthday. The year and 9 months were a huge shift from what I had done previous but I learned to settle in. When ever I was restless someone or something gave me a God-shot reminding me where I was supposed to be. The solar eclipse a few days after their birthday lifted a veil that had been covering my eyes. The change was almost instant. My babies changed too. They learned to walk within a week of this shift.
From this moment on I have been slowing building up my spiritual muscles again. Starting off slow with some reading, joining a conference call that turned out to be all women and turned into a Goddess Circle. From there I was off. I could not gain enough information. I could not do enough change, shift, transformation, tearing, breaking. I was right back on my path of spinning and quickly becoming a mom who was burning her wick at both ends. I was different however. I was now a women who could listen, be still and quiet and just listen. I documented on this blog my shift over a three month period of honoring the Spring Festivals and through this process I had heighten my awareness, my gifts. I was ready to to deal with this process much differently this time. I quieted myself, and just sat. My heart breaking and my tears flowing I forced myself to just listen. That is when the calm came. The calm that said "Live in this moment now". It went on to show me that I can not possibly learn all that I need to learn or do all the service I am intended to do in this life time today, tomorrow or even a year from now. Just live in the now. Be here right now.
So, here I am, NOW. In this moment I am more centered and focused because of NOW. I have accomplished more in the last few days living in NOW than I have in the week prior. I process all the emotion, all the learning, all that is with more life and love because it is NOW.
Thank you God. Thank you Masters. Thank you Angels for this gift.
'I speak to you, Be still, Know I am God.'
The year prior to this news I had attended spiritual retreats. Enjoyed a spiritual journey of traveling alone for 10 days. I met my husband. I quit a job that had for a very long time no longer served me. I sold my home. I was off to have another adventure in life when I was struck with the reality of new life coming through me. As I meditated what this would mean I had to take a deep long look at myself, my process of spiritual growth and the understanding that I would now share my life with two little souls for a very long time. This shift was far from easy for me. I sought counsel from other spiritual like minded people who all thought this blessing was a wonderful new chapter. Finally after a month of crying, begging for understanding Kuan Yin came to me and gave me wisdom. These souls choose me and hubby because of the life I could offer. The Masters choose me because I would understand and honor what was required of raising such enlighten souls. She kissed me, bathed me in her love and stayed with me and my babies the remainder of my pregnancy. After that experience all of life's gifts were centered on only the babies. I could not focus on any spiritual reading except that which was written for women and most importantly newly expecting mothers (two whole books). My inner guidance was on high alert and if my ego tried to get in the way it was quick to remind me of my path. I was to dedicate my life from the point of knowing of my girls to their first birthday. The year and 9 months were a huge shift from what I had done previous but I learned to settle in. When ever I was restless someone or something gave me a God-shot reminding me where I was supposed to be. The solar eclipse a few days after their birthday lifted a veil that had been covering my eyes. The change was almost instant. My babies changed too. They learned to walk within a week of this shift.
From this moment on I have been slowing building up my spiritual muscles again. Starting off slow with some reading, joining a conference call that turned out to be all women and turned into a Goddess Circle. From there I was off. I could not gain enough information. I could not do enough change, shift, transformation, tearing, breaking. I was right back on my path of spinning and quickly becoming a mom who was burning her wick at both ends. I was different however. I was now a women who could listen, be still and quiet and just listen. I documented on this blog my shift over a three month period of honoring the Spring Festivals and through this process I had heighten my awareness, my gifts. I was ready to to deal with this process much differently this time. I quieted myself, and just sat. My heart breaking and my tears flowing I forced myself to just listen. That is when the calm came. The calm that said "Live in this moment now". It went on to show me that I can not possibly learn all that I need to learn or do all the service I am intended to do in this life time today, tomorrow or even a year from now. Just live in the now. Be here right now.
So, here I am, NOW. In this moment I am more centered and focused because of NOW. I have accomplished more in the last few days living in NOW than I have in the week prior. I process all the emotion, all the learning, all that is with more life and love because it is NOW.
Thank you God. Thank you Masters. Thank you Angels for this gift.
'I speak to you, Be still, Know I am God.'
Festival of Goodwill
The full moon was this Sunday. The last full moon of the three spring festivals to celebrate. The Festival of Goodwill is a celebration of love, light, wisdom and a grounding of the energies from the two previous festivals. It is a festival for Humanity. The energy of this festival is magnetic and was very easy to sense and tap into with very little effort. The full moon in Gemini was huge for me this year. I have been working so hard on creating positive change in my life on all levels along with grounding the vibrations of the festivals. My body and soul had reached a climatic level of energy, of power, of love, of overwhelming joy and sorrow. I felt as if I was swimming in a sea of emotions and I was caught in the current. The build up of these emotions and energy had need for escape. I found refuge in- drinking large amounts of water, walking and spending time in nature, I ate fresh fruit and veggies, cried, laughed huge belly laughs, sat quietly praying, and at one point my body broke out in small hives which I could only drink water and attempt to clear the energy. I have experienced sensations like this before but this time I was spinning. I was also finding it hard to remain centered while living in family time. My girls were also feeling the affects of this moon which made centering even more crucial. On Saturday night I was finally able to go to my sacred space and just sit with all the vibrations, other worldly beings and souls and give thanks. I opened my heart chakra first then the other chakras and prayed for guidance, for a clearing and release. My chakra column became a tree trunk, the energy spinning from my body down into the earth spreading like roots filled with iridescent light. The love, the power, the grace of the Christ and Buddha essence all flowed from me into the earth and sprouted out from my aura field vibrating the room as it rippled out into the universe. I was my own star. I was my own lighting strike. I was the seed, the roots, and the tree all at once. For that moment my soul was illuminated at I reached the heavens on the wings of Angels. Then there was peace.
I was centered. Quiet. The movement, the spinning, it all just ceased. I was at peace. I had a deep knowing from within that I had helped create one more thread in the weave of this new paradigm. Joining in prayer for humanity. Prayer for the Divine Plan to continue to manifest on this beautiful Earth.
I heard my voice speak the prayers of a thousand years as I asked for guidance, renewal, protection, release of negative lower vibrations and most importantly the removal of fear. I offered myself again to the service of humanity. I opened my heart to the Divine love of God and was healed.
I am where I need to be right now at this very moment. I know I am the Spiritual Warrior. I know I am the student and the teacher. I know from within that all I need is already within me. I know that this too shall pass into time on the whispers of the wind.
God Bless
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
I was centered. Quiet. The movement, the spinning, it all just ceased. I was at peace. I had a deep knowing from within that I had helped create one more thread in the weave of this new paradigm. Joining in prayer for humanity. Prayer for the Divine Plan to continue to manifest on this beautiful Earth.
I heard my voice speak the prayers of a thousand years as I asked for guidance, renewal, protection, release of negative lower vibrations and most importantly the removal of fear. I offered myself again to the service of humanity. I opened my heart to the Divine love of God and was healed.
I am where I need to be right now at this very moment. I know I am the Spiritual Warrior. I know I am the student and the teacher. I know from within that all I need is already within me. I know that this too shall pass into time on the whispers of the wind.
God Bless
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om
Good Night, God Bless you baby
My little girls are growing up. The reality of their growth is breath taking at times. To remember holding their little hands in my own as they slept in my arms. How they would fall asleep while breastfeeding, drunk on the warm goodness. The first time they smiled. Their little giggles at the funny faces I use to make at them while they hung out in their rocking seats. Holding them now is still a favorite pastime for both them and me but now it is on their terms and generally lasts for very short periods of time. Their sweet smiles have turned into talking, crying over lost toys, and general babble over everything they discover and want to say. They do actually speak real words now and understand the general concept of what I tell them- unless it means them doing something other than what they want to do. I smile as I say that because they have the most wonderful little personalities. They love to love. They kiss and hug each other and my hubby and me. They share excitement over Elmo's theme song, the opening song to CBS Sunday morning, and seeing the dogs for the first time each morning. They love reading books- when I read them or if they pretend to read them on their own. They also have a mind of their own when it comes to doing things they should not to be doing. Having each other is a God send as they always have someone to enjoy life with while building with their blocks or pushing their carts around and filling them with toys. They laugh, play, and cry with each other- true sister love.
Our long summer days here in the Pacific Northwest have caused our babies to stay up later and wake earlier. This is not a good combination when your a growing busy little 15 month old. So hubby covered the windows with heavy paper to block any light from entering during sleep time. The darkness is why I stand over them right now. It frightened them and they called for me seconds after I shut the door good-night. They both have laid down and are twisting and shifting butts up in the air like babies do trying to find just the right spot for their heads, legs, feet, and hands. This goes on for a short time and then the deep sighs and slowing of their breath signal that it is almost time for me to go. As I look upon them I see their chubby little legs and arms and burn their memory into my brain. I want to always remember what they looked like as they slept. Next year my time will be even less needed when the darkness comes. I won't be any less important, just a different kind of important. As I take a deep breath and get ready to leave I hear an Angel whisper 'They are not yours to have, just yours to hold and help bloom.'
Good night sweet little babies, God bless you always.
Love & Light,
Our long summer days here in the Pacific Northwest have caused our babies to stay up later and wake earlier. This is not a good combination when your a growing busy little 15 month old. So hubby covered the windows with heavy paper to block any light from entering during sleep time. The darkness is why I stand over them right now. It frightened them and they called for me seconds after I shut the door good-night. They both have laid down and are twisting and shifting butts up in the air like babies do trying to find just the right spot for their heads, legs, feet, and hands. This goes on for a short time and then the deep sighs and slowing of their breath signal that it is almost time for me to go. As I look upon them I see their chubby little legs and arms and burn their memory into my brain. I want to always remember what they looked like as they slept. Next year my time will be even less needed when the darkness comes. I won't be any less important, just a different kind of important. As I take a deep breath and get ready to leave I hear an Angel whisper 'They are not yours to have, just yours to hold and help bloom.'
Good night sweet little babies, God bless you always.
Love & Light,
Honoring my body's request
Becoming a vegetarian this time around was a request my body had been making for a few months now. My body had been slowing reaching a point of complete intolerance to meat of any kind. Since January I had heard the small voice inside request more vegetables, fresh foods verses fried, and items to eat that were not processed or cooked with tons of sodium. I would ache, feel tired and sluggish, even down right sick when denying these requests. I eventually reached a point where food just didn't even seem enjoyable anymore. I love food so this change was saddening and an obvious sign that something needed to happen. When I would silence the outside world I would hear the voice cry for what it really needed and the healthy change would make all the difference.
I didn't take this request lightly. I knew that it would not only affect my life but my household as well. My loving husband is a proud meat eater. I knew he would no doubt support me I also knew he would still enjoy eating the flesh of animals daily without thinking twice. With this in mind I had to research how to balance feeding myself and my family meals daily without becoming a short order cook. I found support in books, my husband, and from Divine guidance all of which showed how easy this transition would be if I took the time to be prepared.
Two weeks into this change I do feel better. I find myself getting fuller sooner. I also find that my body is now cleansing itself of toxins and impurities. I believe this has partially to do with my food switch and also in part to the other changes I've made in my life. The process is a growing experience in preparation, understanding, and honoring the Divine Temple I live in- my body.
Walking has also become a large factor to how I'm feeling. This grounding exercise I usually do with my little girls. They enjoy the outside as much as I do. Moving my body and pushing myself beyond my perceived limits has brought a new sense of strength. It brings a calm and centering when all the transitional energies become to much to hold inside. Walking brings this peace inside that fills me full and empties me with every step. I am grateful for the health I have and the ability to release in such a healthy way as often as my days allow.
The other changes I'm making to my facial, hair and body products as well as home cleaning products are small but are starting to make a huge impact on my well being. I feel lighter and more responsible for what I'm putting on (and eventually through absorption) in my body. The research that was required to make this change made me feel more informed and aware of how mindless some decisions are made based on what mass media suggests. I am grateful for this awareness. I am my own mind and choose to make choices that are healthy for me and this beautiful blue planet we call Mother Earth.
From within I hear the birth of a new Leah being born. My values, ideals, and vibrations are all shifting to a more balanced centered awareness. I honor this shift and bow my head as I am blessed.
I didn't take this request lightly. I knew that it would not only affect my life but my household as well. My loving husband is a proud meat eater. I knew he would no doubt support me I also knew he would still enjoy eating the flesh of animals daily without thinking twice. With this in mind I had to research how to balance feeding myself and my family meals daily without becoming a short order cook. I found support in books, my husband, and from Divine guidance all of which showed how easy this transition would be if I took the time to be prepared.
Two weeks into this change I do feel better. I find myself getting fuller sooner. I also find that my body is now cleansing itself of toxins and impurities. I believe this has partially to do with my food switch and also in part to the other changes I've made in my life. The process is a growing experience in preparation, understanding, and honoring the Divine Temple I live in- my body.
Walking has also become a large factor to how I'm feeling. This grounding exercise I usually do with my little girls. They enjoy the outside as much as I do. Moving my body and pushing myself beyond my perceived limits has brought a new sense of strength. It brings a calm and centering when all the transitional energies become to much to hold inside. Walking brings this peace inside that fills me full and empties me with every step. I am grateful for the health I have and the ability to release in such a healthy way as often as my days allow.
The other changes I'm making to my facial, hair and body products as well as home cleaning products are small but are starting to make a huge impact on my well being. I feel lighter and more responsible for what I'm putting on (and eventually through absorption) in my body. The research that was required to make this change made me feel more informed and aware of how mindless some decisions are made based on what mass media suggests. I am grateful for this awareness. I am my own mind and choose to make choices that are healthy for me and this beautiful blue planet we call Mother Earth.
From within I hear the birth of a new Leah being born. My values, ideals, and vibrations are all shifting to a more balanced centered awareness. I honor this shift and bow my head as I am blessed.
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