Death in my opinion would be the deepest level of grieving as its finality is so obvious and reminds us of our own mortality. I have come to view death as a new birth for a soul- a belief that is taught in many Eastern Religions. This brings a lightness to the passing of an individual that helps center the grieving back around to me- the person experiencing the loss. Death is the last moment a person can make an imprint on our lives. How we choose to move forward with this moment is their final gift.
I have visited the depths of grieving once and after 11 months of being a walking zombie I decided to climb myself out of the valley of sorrow and reach for the highest peak of life I could see and started walking. I turned the grieving experience on its tail and worked it to my advantage. I had lived in the pain long enough. It was time to honor, to accept and let go. To gather my courage and make the changes that I had wanted to make in my life for a long time. To use the anger and pain as my backbone when I just didn't feel I had the energy to keep going. Knowing you can overcome something that seems insurmountable shows you just how strong you really are and just how capable you are to do anything you set your heart and mind to.
When the loss of a loved one ends with things left unsaid and issues unresolved a lot more healing needs to take place. I do believe this healing is possible and may be more life changing as the courage to face the inner demons and forgive now runs deeply between the individual and God. The person who is now gone no longer holds resentments or anger. These are released and worked through at the passing. Utilizing this knowledge helps to know that once you are ready to forgive and forget the pain really can run out with the tears never to return again.
Grieving the loss of a marriage, job, home, or friendship can be just as painful because the loss is viewed as something that you had control of on some level. The process of release is still the same. Honor the feelings, live in the pain and once it fills all the crevices of your very being let go. Imagine them falling to the earth in your tears. Exiting with your screams. Silently drifting off with your breath. However they need to leave when it is time letting them go allows for the transformation- the real healing of the soul. Once free you can fill these spaces with new memories, new energies, new loves, and most importantly a new you. Allowing yourself to live through the pain also allows for reflection of what may have went wrong. It allows for the lesson to present itself so it doesn't have to be relived again. It allows for new seeds to be planted and old patterns to be released.
Remember that grieving over life changes is a healthy and sometimes necessary process in growth as well. While transforming into the Divine Souls that we are becoming we are letting go of an old way of life that was comfortable and familiar. It wasn't wrong, it just isn't right for the new paradigm we are creating. Honor what was and grieve if needed. This process doesn't have to be painful. It does need to be acknowledge as it deserves a final farewell. Once released it is gone only to be brought back in distant memories or situations if needed to solidify the severed ties. Our universe is doing wonders to help us with this release and utilizing these energies to assist with this process makes the grieving process at times more manageable and at the very least more productive.
We are Divine Souls having a Human experience. We are here to live this life because we choose to do so. It is our honor to know all the aspects of this human endeavor and that includes the more painful times also. View Grief as a gift and honor it as a chance for transformation. Face it with an open heart, utilize prayer, and know you are surrounded by the Divine Love of God.
It is my honor to Serve and to be present for all the changes that take place in our world today. Thank You to each of you for choosing to be here now.
In Love & Light,
To learn more about the ever changing planetary cycles that are affecting our lives and planet I recommend these two sites:
- Allison Rae is a talented Astrologer, her ability to utilize her gift of clairvoyance and bring forth the energies and messages of now is truly transforming.
- Kelly M Beard brings astrology into the world and shares her gift of words to help us understand the changes of now. Her work is in-depth and easy to understand and utilize.