
By the light of the full moon

I would like to start out by saying how much I love full moons. I have always enjoyed how much light they bring when camping under the stars. How everything has a wonderful glow to it under a full moon. You can feel the magic of the moonbeams dancing in the leaves, touching the ocean as it rises, kissing the mountain tops covered in snow.

My daughters and I also share a connection with the moon. I conceived under the summer solstice full moon and my labor started right after the lunar eclipse had finished.

My most favorite thing is how I feel tingly when I meditate to the vibration of the full moon. Utilizing the energy of the moon through all its cycles is something I am newly discovering and I find that I have for sometime actually been displaying a natural rhythm with the Goddess Moon- not just on her big shining night.

In April the full moon was considered the first of three Spring Festival full moons observed by many all over the world but traditionally associated with Eastern traditions. During the Spring Festivals the full moon in April/Aries, May/Taurus, and June/Gemini are honored and ritual is held to bring in the Divine energies that correlate with each moons energy. I have for a few years now observed the full moon in Taurus, known as Wesak, as the sacred moon and honored it with love and prayers. This year I was given the knowledge that lead me to not only honor the whole Spring Festival but to also do so with the intent that was created for these sacred times. In doing so I have created my own personal spiritual power time for personal growth, manifestation, and the gift of increased vibrational energy. This has not only been such a sacred blessing but a much needed affirmation that all I have done in the last three years is on the right path for myself, my family, and importantly for the betterment of all.

The Aries full moon is better known as the Easter Festival or the Festival of Christ. It honors the Christ energy or Christ Consciousness that is so lovingly being spread to all of humanity. It is about Love and the Heart Chakra. The center where God lives withing each of us. It is also about rebirth and reorganization. The process of rebirth is not to be taken lightly as I quickly learned when I used this time to ask for clarity and a cleansing of the mind and body. I had created a goal that I wanted to clear old patterns and restructure my energy fields to vibrate at a higher level letting go of all that no longer served me. Meditation and long nights of dream work assisted me in meeting my goals and releasing huge amounts of old 'stuff' that I thought was long gone. It felt good to face myself and free these thoughts and patterns back into Mother Earth for healing and regeneration. Tough as it was sometimes it was necessary.

As I prepared for the Wesak Festival, considered the holiest of days by some, I started to read up on how this holy day was viewed and the ritual that took place to best grasp the energies and make the most of what was being gifted to each of us. This Festival observes the Buddha and now also honors the Christ as both serve and radiate the Divine Love of God and bring this love to each of us as the Divine gift. Blending the East and West as one- a true gift for us at this time. I had in previous Wesak moons connected with the Buddha energy. It is almost tangible in the air if you just sit and meditate on it for a short amount of time. After receiving my gift of connection with the Buddha energy I moved to connecting with the energy of Christ. Then moved to my final goal, connection with the energy of the Hierarchy. My purpose of this process was to honor the Divine work that was being done by all the Divine beings of the Hierarchy and to offer my service and devotion to the Divine Plan. As I write the words I still continue to grasp the magnitude of what I have done. Truly accepting that my path in life is a path of service has been a huge process of acceptance on my part. It has been a knowledge I have always had but to truly work and reach the point of acceptance and then commitment was like jumping off the cliff into infinity. The ceremony was simple. The prayer and meditation beautiful. The connection was Divine. It was just simply gorgeous.

Words can not express how my life has changed with this simple yet profound experience. The world through my eyes does not appear the same, nor does it feel the same. I enjoy life more fully. I love more deeply. My smile is natural and is shared with all I cross paths with now. I also notice things that need to be healed or corrected within myself and feel the need for attention to them more acutely. I feel lighter. I feel more empathetic but more in control of it now. My prophetic ability has grown threefold- a skill I try to practice as often as possible. My biggest change, most importantly, is I now have purpose. I have my path set out before me. The path leads into a mist but that's OK because I don't need to know exactly where I'm going anymore- just that I will be guided to get there. I also know that at the end of this day my gratitude will be expressed more fully and my life lived more honorably because I did it for the betterment of all in the name of God.

I am not perfect. I am still human and grateful of the fact that I can smell the rain, touch the flowers, hear the waves and at the end of the day whisper sweet prayers to my little girls while they sleep. The human condition is one of senses and possibilities. I have given myself to assisting my fellow beings on their paths, with special focus on the children of our planet. It is my honor and gratitude to be given this wonderful opportunity in life. I am excited to share it with each of you.

With all my Love & Light,


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