
I love my Body!

Less than a week ago you more than likely would never have heard me say this. I, like most American women have had a body complex for the majority of my life. I had a good year and half period where I was really happy with my body but for the most part it has always been one thing or another that needs changing, needs loosing, needs fixing. As of Sunday I no longer hold my body to the standards set by mainstream media or anyone or thing except the standards my body requests.

Listening to what my body needs is nothing new to me. I have for over three years now tried to honor major requests and follow through. This body is the temple for my soul. While its true that you can't take it with you this doesn't mean you must abuse it either.

My two biggest reasons for my life shift are the need to honor the vehicle that has withstood all the abuse and neglect and still bounced back the second I asked it to. The other reason is my little girls. I want to raise them with a healthy body image and the only way to do that is to look in the mirror and start getting honest with myself before they grow to understand what Mommy really thinks of her body.

I have worked so hard to clear my spiritual being without spending much time working on the physical side. This moon cycle I am honoring my body and all my thousands of parts. I love it, honor it, feed it and water it with the respect it deserves. It's voice is heard loud and clear and is very grateful for the acknowledgement.

Today I stand before you a women in love with herself. I am curvy, sassy, freckled, fair skinned, curly frizzy haired and very happy. I have scars that remain long after my babies exited my body and I'm grateful for them because I was able to carry my little ones to term and they both were born healthy. I have eyes that are aging as my latest eye appointment proved but I'm grateful because I can see the world and all of it's beauty. I am grateful that I am in good health, that I can walk a mile or more and still breath easy, play with my daughters and at the end of the day live to meditate and sleep easy in my body one more day.

I love you body. Thank you for waiting for me to come around.

Love & Light,

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