
Projecting Truth

I am always working on projecting Love, Grace, Happiness, Joy, and Serenity. I want to be the change I want for the world. I wish for the day when I don't have to think of it so consciously during harder times or difficult situations. I want to be the face of God so naturally that I have to stop and realize how far I have come.
I came into this lifetime to channel the love of God into my world and all that I come in contact with. I came into this life to help the children of this new Generation find a voice and use it without fear or regard for the masses that don't believe in a better tomorrow. I came into this life to make a difference and I create a new shift in consciousness every time I stay centered in the Divine Love. I reach out and help those that seemingly appear to want otherwise. I smile, really smile with my soul to everyone I come across regardless of their demeanor. I always give it my all. Being weary is no excuse for not shining my light as brightly as I possibly can. I am human and my physical body has boundaries however my soul does not and so when this body is done and needs rest I honor its request and send my spirit free to do the work that needs to be done sans this physical temple.
I think life feels more rewarding when I know I'm making a ripple in the big pond of life. My daughters are learning by example and they are now starting to show the first buds of these lessons. Their nature is so pure you can feel it in their presence. They don't know there are worldly limitations created by a society that no longer understands the pulse of the new world. They only see the beauty, they only feel the love. I watch as they run to trees and hug them or see a flower and scream for joy at its very presence in their world. They learned these things by listening to their inner voices- not because they witnessed these acts by another soul. I only gave them love and spoke my truth in whispers while they grew inside me and in front of me. I honor the gift I have to give them. This Divine Love has taught me that it has no end, it only grows the more it is freely given and released. It wraps itself up in ribbons of light and touches all that it sees. My daughters soak it up, dance in it, and giggle as it tickles their very core before exiting to dance again. They are filled with a pureness that can only be described as perfection and the Divine Love is their gift to hold onto for a lifetime. I live my life full of Love, Grace, Happiness, Joy and Serenity because it is my birth-right, my honor, and my gift to give the world. My two little girls will grow to know it only as their truth from the moment they took their first breath. That very idea breathes new life into a world that needs the hope of their souls to spread like fires, purifying the vibrations of the world and creating a new paradigm that holds the promise for better tomorrows.

You must have love in your heart before you can hope. -Yoruba Proverb




The Journey to higher awareness is a path that is filled with breath taking experiences.

Becoming aware of your very being- your piece of the big puzzle- brings new light into your life. Your horizons open, your light shines more brightly, you feel more alive with every breath. The process is not without growing pains. These symptoms as I have come to acknowledge them are any discomfort that is felt at the many different levels in the physical body and soul body. Physical pain caused by energy blocks is common at this time. While we receive new higher vibrations into our bodies the old energies that no longer serve us need to find a way out. When we don't provide our bodies with regular assistance in release blocks happen. They can be minor and annoying to painful and persistent. If ignored they can sometimes grow into something much worse than an uncomfortable pain. Acknowledging the pain and finding a way for release is the healthy step to assist the body in cleansing the old energies. Exercise that brings you in touch with nature such as walking, jogging, swimming, hiking, canoeing, horse back riding and biking help get the blood flowing and get stagnate energies moving. Doing these activities in nature allows for communion with Mother Earth- a wonderful healer who is more than happy to receive old processed energy for transmutation. Allow time for a short break when the body physically stops and touches the earth. Visualize the connection with the ground and your feet or tailbone. Allow the old energies to flow out through you and the new energies to come into you.

Yoga, Tai Chi, and Qigong are other great ways to help energy blocks release through stretching the muscles and joints. Breath work and Meditation on certain areas that continue to cause problems may help to understand why a release is not occurring. Sometimes acknowledging the feelings and emotions that may be associated with a block are necessary in order for the old energies to be released. In some cases the block is associated with past life karma and may not be easy to understand- allow the process to unfold as it needs to and trust that with the assistance from your Higher Self you can let go of all that needs to at the right time.

Massage is also a great way to get energy moving through the body and find hidden areas of release that may not be otherwise obvious to our busy bodies. Shoulders, neck, and the area of the back hold large amounts of tension for most people and without quiet time and exercise they may be overlooked. Massage can bring these space into our awareness and allow for release.

Always remember that while all of these exercises help with removing blocks there are times in the transformation process that we become aware of real illnesses or issues that need to be treated by a Medical Physician. Honoring your transformation and body also means honoring the process and the path it takes. If seeking Medical help is what is required do so without delay. Everything is up for renewal, removal, and regeneration.

Listen to your spirit and bodies requests. The soft voice of their needs will be repeated until the request is answered. When ignored the issues will continue to grow or the lessons will continue to cycle back to the original request. Dizziness, loss of time, sleeplessness, and feelings of stress without real cause are all signs of the transformation taking place in this current time. I also find that tightness in my chest and irritation in my heart, throat, brow, and crown chakras are also signs of higher frequency changes. Grounding myself and remaining aware of how I'm feeling assists with the process and gives me a better sense of control when all control seems lost. Balancing all aspects of my life is what I do to feel 'safe'. The reality of this statement while true is nearly impossible to complete in a time that shifts second to second and needs me to flow in order for change to be assimilated and accepted. I work daily on releasing and allowing the tides to take me with them where they go. When I do this the process of release and growth become easier for my body to accept and my soul feels as if it is flying in the wind. Symptoms subside and I walk through another level of awareness that allows for more beauty and love to enter my being.

My goal is to share these concepts and lessons with you so that you may feel the beauty of this new Paradigm to its fullest and take your place in the ranks of beings that acknowledge the Glory of Divinity here on our beautiful planet and live consciously in her comfort that is provided. We have the gift of reaching stars within ourselves that are now opening inside us to share with all of the universe- starting here in our own families and communities. Allow the shift of love to take over your very soul and share it with all you meet. Move past pain and suffering and believe that only Love and Truth will fill your day as much as you believe in your next breath. Reach through the old ways and safe trails and blaze a new path that is sustainable, loving and kind to all beings of this planet. Bring yourself to a place where you stand on the Mesa overlooking the future and realize that your one soul is here to make a mark on history. The choices you make will affect generations to come- choose Health, Love, Community, LIFE! Let your spirit soar and reach deep within and ask where you should go from here then honor the soft loving voice that speaks back. You will never be lead astray when you honor the Divine within yourself. All that is to come is only Happiness and Prosperity for all if we allow it.

'You may never know what results come from your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result.'- Mahatma Gandhi

I honor each of you as you walk this path. While you do walk it alone know that the Divine Love touches each of us and brings with it Loving Friends that come along at just the right moment you need a little help to keep you going on your way. Take a moment and honor yourself and how far you have already come. Give this moment to yourself- you deserve it.

With Much Love & Light,


Lunar Gift

This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse we experienced last Wednesday was truly magical. I traveled to Lake Crescent- a beautifully serene lake that rests at the base of the Olympic Mountains and their rain forests. The water is tropical to deep blue and with no wind sits like a glassy mirror reflecting the surrounding beauty. I visited a spot I had been to before and walked using my guidance to find the perfect place to sit and soak in the transforming energies. The experience was breath taking, physical, mental, and in the end very spiritual. I was gifted this time for a reason and have found that the gifts I have received over this summers Eclipse series are really starting to integrate nicely into my being. While soaking in my meditation I was pulled to write a poem of the surrounding life that shared this wonderful experience with me. It is my gift to share and captures a moment of pure bliss. Enjoy.

Crescent Light

Spider silk glitters in the sunlight
Maple leaves reach to touch the waters light
Water laps the rocky shore
Flies dance above the lakes edge
Moss hangs off shady trees
I rest my soul and reach for the stars
Fallen trees create a new home for young fish
The wind ripples the glassy bay
Birds sing their afternoon tunes- celebrating life
River flows clean and soft- whispers of travels down the mountain
Clouds break releasing sunlight on the foggy day
I sit at the waters edge and release my fears away
My new day is here
My life has opened into a new Divine Space
I heal with every breath

Love & Light,
Leah McCullough


Live with Purpose

Since the beautiful Summer Solstice I have found a peace- a quiet space- that brews up within me and empties like the tides. I have experienced deep pain. I have touched the very fibers of my dark side and burned them in the summer sun. I have felt the relentless vibrations from the planets above rain down and spin my insides demanding change. I move with the flow, I enter the deep when shifted. I call to the Masters and Angels when it gets to be too much. I breathe. This is the time for acceptance of our callings. This is the time to honor and acknowledge the voice within that softly whispers. This is the time to learn to ride the wave and find the safe place when all else feels full of chaos and emptiness.

I have stayed open for the last new moon to allow for intentions to manifest as needed. The Lunar/Solar eclipse series we are currently moving through has left me all but ripped to shreds and moving with the flow is the only way I can live in sound mind and body. I have become acutely aware of my surroundings. My physical body and spirit have melded more into one through this transformation and I am more in touch with the words that whisper on the winds. I hear the call for change from the heavens and gently bow in acceptance. I create each day with prayer and move through it with love. For the last six weeks I have heard the following phrase repeated and so I have taken it on as my mantra- 'Live with Purpose'.

It seems so simple yet most of us don't live our everyday lives with purpose. We eat, drink, and move through our days almost in a zombie state doing the same things over and over again. Living with Purpose requires more thought, more inner prompting to move from one thing to the next. Multitasking is hard to do while living in the moment. Living with purpose requires us to say each day 'I will do as I am guided, be the Face of God and share my Love along the way'. I have worked this new mantra into my life slowly. It wasn't easy to allow myself to slow and take every moment into account as being unique. Especially the tasks I preform everyday. My ego self also took offense as it often does when another task is taken from its grasp. After one full moon cycle I was able to make the shift. I woke one morning and decided it was time to live the fullness of the day. After that is has grown more and more fulfilling to doing everything with purpose. I eat with purpose. An idea that is needed in my life right now. I was amazed at how much better I felt when I stopped, listened to my bodies needs and then filled them with the foods requested. This simple act of honoring my body has allowed me to feel more energetic and assists with my bodies given nutrition requirements day by day. I also walk with purpose. I slow myself down and walk more consciously. I exercise and honor my body and make adjustments to my speed when required. I listen to the needs of my joints when a road is too hard or a hill too steep. I also hear when my body just wants to move, dance, be free to stretch. Today I was guided to imagine love flowing from my being as I walked. So on my morning walk I imagined my love float on the breeze and touch those that walked the same path. What a wonderful thought to share my spirit and love with others unknown to me. Helping, healing, reaching others with only the intent of love- theirs if they so choose to allow it.

Prayer has helped me live with purpose. I can express to the Mother/Father God my love and gratitude for each day and each night. I honor this body temple that was given to me to have this human experience. I honor my spirit as holy and a piece of God. Prayer not only for me or my loved ones but for all. Giving the gift of praying for those that need it regardless of their religion or awareness is honoring humanity and a service you can provide to this world you live in. Living with Purpose requires gratitude, acceptance, complete surrender, trust, and hope. I will always believe the best in humanity because without that hope and belief all seems lost. I trust life is moving into better times and better spaces because there is no other way I want my children or myself to live. Living with Purpose means I am doing my part each and every moment to make my prayers, my dreams, my hopes a reality. I create a ripple in the waves of vibrational space and time. Forever touched by my love this world is one drop closer to peace, love, and healing.

Live with Purpose. Live in Purpose. Honor your Divine Self.

Touch the stars and know you are never alone.

My prayers are always with you.

With much Love & Light,