
Festival of Goodwill

The full moon was this Sunday. The last full moon of the three spring festivals to celebrate. The Festival of Goodwill is a celebration of love, light, wisdom and a grounding of the energies from the two previous festivals. It is a festival for Humanity. The energy of this festival is magnetic and was very easy to sense and tap into with very little effort. The full moon in Gemini was huge for me this year. I have been working so hard on creating positive change in my life on all levels along with grounding the vibrations of the festivals. My body and soul had reached a climatic level of energy, of power, of love, of overwhelming joy and sorrow. I felt as if I was swimming in a sea of emotions and I was caught in the current. The build up of these emotions and energy had need for escape. I found refuge in- drinking large amounts of water, walking and spending time in nature, I ate fresh fruit and veggies, cried, laughed huge belly laughs, sat quietly praying, and at one point my body broke out in small hives which I could only drink water and attempt to clear the energy. I have experienced sensations like this before but this time I was spinning. I was also finding it hard to remain centered while living in family time. My girls were also feeling the affects of this moon which made centering even more crucial. On Saturday night I was finally able to go to my sacred space and just sit with all the vibrations, other worldly beings and souls and give thanks. I opened my heart chakra first then the other chakras and prayed for guidance, for a clearing and release. My chakra column became a tree trunk, the energy spinning from my body down into the earth spreading like roots filled with iridescent light. The love, the power, the grace of the Christ and Buddha essence all flowed from me into the earth and sprouted out from my aura field vibrating the room as it rippled out into the universe. I was my own star. I was my own lighting strike. I was the seed, the roots, and the tree all at once. For that moment my soul was illuminated at I reached the heavens on the wings of Angels. Then there was peace.

I was centered. Quiet. The movement, the spinning, it all just ceased. I was at peace. I had a deep knowing from within that I had helped create one more thread in the weave of this new paradigm. Joining in prayer for humanity. Prayer for the Divine Plan to continue to manifest on this beautiful Earth.

I heard my voice speak the prayers of a thousand years as I asked for guidance, renewal, protection, release of negative lower vibrations and most importantly the removal of fear. I offered myself again to the service of humanity. I opened my heart to the Divine love of God and was healed.

I am where I need to be right now at this very moment. I know I am the Spiritual Warrior. I know I am the student and the teacher. I know from within that all I need is already within me. I know that this too shall pass into time on the whispers of the wind.

God Bless
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om


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